What People Say

Parents and students share their Hillside Christian School experiences.

Hillside has been a Godsend for our family. As things continue to shift in the world around us, Hillside has remained that little school with a big heart for which we are grateful. I can send my daughter each day knowing that she will learn valuable life skills, be taught how to further her walk with Jesus, and be in a community of believers with similar values and love for our Lord!

I love that older kids play games with the younger kids and don’t question it. Everything about this school is so fun and unique and I’m so glad I’ve grown up going to Hillside and had so many cool opportunities.

Hillside has been a beautiful gift to our son and our family. It is a little oasis filled with great student role-models, excellent academics, and wise Biblical teaching. My son feels successful and encouraged in his learning. As a mom, I love the community of Christian parents from which I can gain wisdom and ask life advice. This school has Jesus’s hands all over the place! We are so thankful!

We are thankful for the family-like community that embodies Hillside. There is great comfort in knowing that our children are genuinely loved by teachers and staff, and that we as a community are there for each other as well.

At Hillside my son learned at his own level. The teachers pay special attention to how each child learns and tailor the educational process to meet individual needs. There is no need to be ‘cool,’ the children welcome all with enthusiasm and love. My son’s confidence grew by leaps and bounds.

I like Hillside because I feel like it makes me braver and stronger. I feel free at school.

I want to say thank you to the parents, teachers, and especially the kids for helping my son feel so loved and welcomed his first week at Hillside! He has talked non-stop about school! I am sure you can understand how hard change can be, but with the Lord and everyone in the school this transition has been made so much easier!

I love my school because I can pray and talk about God there. Lots of people help when somebody gets hurt. We play games like football, basketball, soccer, kickball and Fish Across the Ocean. The first day I came to school I was shy, but now I am not. I have lots of friends.

When I graduated from Hillside Christian School I attended a public high school. It did not take me long to adjust to the new environment and to evaluate what I was learning in comparison to what I had learned at Hillside. I knew I had been privileged to receive a great education which included high academic standards accompanied by strong spiritual content. While the academics at Hillside placed me above many of my peers in high school, it was the spiritual truths imparted in the areas of history and science which were invaluable in helping me to maintain a solid Christian world view in the public school system.

One of the most important lesson I learned at Hillside Christian School was about community. The multi-grade classrooms encouraged friendships between young and old. I remember the excitement of helping younger children learn to read and those older than me took me under their wings and taught me to play kickball. The 5 years I spent at Hillside provided me with a firm foundation that has lasted through high school and beyond.

Every day when I come to school, I walk up to the little house that is my classroom and I think, even though it looks small outside, everyone has big hearts inside. I have never been to another school that I have been excited to get to every morning. Everyone knows everyone at my school and there are no popularity contests or ‘losers’. Everyone is who they are, and at Hillside, that is accepted.

The nice mixture of structure and creativity at Hillside exists in a wonderful setting that includes the grassy hills and woods behind it. How many urban kids get to experience the potentials of the fields of God, through all kinds of weather – from forts of wood to forts of snow? My son’s six years at the school gave him a rock he will stand on for the rest of his life.